Exploring ASP.NET Core Dependency Injection: A Comprehensive Guide to AddDbContext, AddScoped, AddSingleton, and AddTransient

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ASP.NET Core is a versatile and powerful framework for building modern web applications. One of its key features is its built-in dependency injection (DI) system, which helps manage the application's components and their dependencies efficiently. In this blog post, we'll explore four essential methods used in ASP.NET Core's DI system: AddDbContext, AddScoped, AddSingleton, and AddTransient. By the end, you'll have a clear understanding of when and how to use each of them in your ASP.NET Core projects.

  1. AddDbContext

    AddDbContext is primarily used for configuring the Entity Framework Core DbContext, which is a crucial part of building data-driven applications. This method registers the DbContext with the DI container, making it available for injection into various parts of your application, such as controllers, services, or repositories.

    When to use AddDbContext:

    • Use AddDbContext when you want to manage the DbContext's lifetime within the scope of an HTTP request.

It's ideal for Entity Framework Core DbContexts that should be created per HTTP request.


services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(options =>
  1. AddScoped

    AddScoped is used to register services with a scoped lifetime in the DI container. Scoped services are created once per client request and are shared across all components within the same HTTP request.

    When to use AddScoped:

    • Use AddScoped when you need to maintain the same instance of service throughout a single HTTP request.

This is suitable for services that store per-request data.


services.AddScoped<IShoppingCartService, ShoppingCartService>();
  1. AddSingleton

AddSingleton registers services with a singleton lifetime in the DI container. A singleton service is created only once and is shared across all clients and requests throughout the application's lifetime. This makes it an excellent choice for services that should be globally accessible and maintain state across requests.

When to use AddSingleton:

  • Use AddSingleton for services that should have a single instance shared across the entire application.

  • It's suitable for caching services, configuration settings, and services that maintain application-wide state.


services.AddSingleton<ICacheService, InMemoryCacheService>();
  1. AddTransient

AddTransient is used to register services with a transient lifetime. Transient services are created each time they are requested, resulting in a new instance for each injection.

When to use AddTransient:

  • Use AddTransient for lightweight services that don't require state to be shared across requests.

  • It's suitable for stateless services like utility classes and repositories.


services.AddTransient<IEmailService, SmtpEmailService>();


In ASP.NET Core, understanding how to register services and manage their lifetimes using AddDbContext, AddScoped, AddSingleton, and AddTransient is essential for building scalable and maintainable applications. Each of these methods serves a specific purpose in managing dependencies within your application, ensuring that your components are efficiently utilized and disposed of as needed.

By choosing the appropriate lifetime for your services, you can optimize resource usage and improve the overall performance and maintainability of your ASP.NET Core applications.